After being sick, for what has seemed like forever, I got to feeling better this evening, so I went to my dad & stepmom's for dinner & crafts. I just had to take a picture of their tree! I love this time of year! We had a great dinner and afterwards, me & my stepmom had crafts to do!

We made these Snowman Soups for my stepmom to have for the ladies at church; for her cookie exchange party; and for the neighbors. We did a total of 27.

Speaking of cookie exchange. . .these are her homemade Peppermint Shortbread Cookies she made for the party. YUM!!! I had to get the recipe. So, if anyone wants it, just email me!

We made these Snowman Soups for my stepmom to have for the ladies at church; for her cookie exchange party; and for the neighbors. We did a total of 27.

Speaking of cookie exchange. . .these are her homemade Peppermint Shortbread Cookies she made for the party. YUM!!! I had to get the recipe. So, if anyone wants it, just email me!
Last, but not least, she made up these adorable cookie cutter gifts, with a little poem attached. The poem reads:
I made a plate of cookies
And ate just one or two.
But I started feeling guilty
Because they were for you.
I went into a panic
And order on the phone
This brand new cookie cutter
So you can make your very own!
Merry Christmas!
I made a plate of cookies
And ate just one or two.
But I started feeling guilty
Because they were for you.
I went into a panic
And order on the phone
This brand new cookie cutter
So you can make your very own!
Merry Christmas!
OMG!!! How much fun did you have? I love their tree. Hey, did I see a gift for me under there? LOL Your neighbors are very lucky. Your cookie cutter poem and idea is very cool JoAnna.
Thank you for the idea. I will talk to you about this later. I love the poem.
Linda W.
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