Friday, August 3, 2007

"5th Grade...Here We Come!"

Wow, what a day!! My dear daughter is starting 5th grade next week, which means moving up to middle school, and today was registration. Well, let me tell you, we're not in Kansas anymore!! LOL Today they registered us by "groups", not individually, and Alyssa's homeroom teacher told us abunch! However, I still had no idea of some of the basics, like..where do I drop her off and pick her up?! Hey, you have to understand, we had a map last year!!! Oh, and Alyssa was not nervous about anything, it was ME! Well, I guess it will all work itself out. After registration, we left the school in search of a High School Musical messenger bag. I was proud that I had already avoided the craziness and bought school supplies earlier, however, the HSM messenger bag was a must and, of course, no where to be found. So, off to Jackson we head looking for just that one item. We ended up at Target, but had to have one of their employees comb the stock room for one. Eventually, she did find one box left of HSM bags. Thank goodness!!! Anyway, you know I could not have gone to registration without taking Alyssa's homeroom teacher a small gift. So, I made her a round, magnetic post-it note holder with matching RSVP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the round post it note holder. Do you have instructions for those??

PS. Love your blog :)